Installation instructions

Installation instructions

For professionals

Dedicated to architects, draughtsmen and construction workers: complete installation instructions in PDF format (italian only).

  1. Project and services (PDF - 0,7 Mb)
  2. Preparing the site (PDF - 1 Mb)
  3. Bricks and mortar, accepting materials (PDF - 1 Mb)
  4. Construction and cleaning (PDF - 1 Mb)
  5. Masonry compositions and decorative motifs (PDF - 1,6 Mb)
  6. Curved walls. Round windows, corners, crosses (PDF - 1,5 Mb)
  7. Cornices and shelves, string-courses (PDF - 0,7 Mb)
  8. Architraves, arches, platbands and vaults (PDF - 1,2 Mb)
  9. Reinforcements and clamps (PDF - 1,4 Mb)
  10. Installation (PDF - 2,5 Mb)

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