Handmade terracotta bricks. Lightly sanded on the outside or washed, slightly irregular, available in red, pink or brown, in all sizes and over 500 shapes and profiles.
The strips give it a solid wall surfaces where the entire brick is unsuitable because of the size, occupying minimum space.
In addition to numerous formats of bricks and tiles, Fornace Ballatore is able to offer you several urban furnishing items in kit form or prefabricated and ready for installation.
Cement mortar for brick masonry. The colors match the shades of terracotta, construction or restoration of ancient walls.
Read the latest news from FORNACE BALLATORE
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The Porte Palatine back to their antique splendour...
This Palace - “Reggia” in Italian - has a tormented and complex history: from the splendours of the Sevente...
The Fornace Ballatore bricks to build NZEB (NEAR ENERGY ZERO BUILDING) in accordance with the Casa Clima protocols.
The terracotta brick continues to one of very few products made exclusively of natural materials: clay, sand, water and fire being the elements used in the creation process. The support provided by the latest technology creates a product that guarantees durable constructions which are both attractive and economically remunerative in time.
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Our Plant division, for the design, construction and overhauling of machinery and plants suitable for: dosing, crushing, rolling, mixing, transporting, drawing, drying, firing... Visit the site
Carena, Ballatore e Mosso brick and roof tiles manufacturers have given life to the “Fornaci del Pianalto“ network in order to create a liaison so as to operate in harmony of intentions to grow and promote the harmonious development of the territory. Visit the site